Greenovation Challenge: forming competences for innovation in sustainable development for youth (2014 – 2016)






Implementation period: 2014 – 2016

Total budget: 174.178 EUR

RoMontana Association together with Junior Achievement Romania and Ungt Entreprenørskap Sogn og Fjordane were  partners in “Greenovation Challenge: forming competences for innovation in sustainable development for youth”, a project coordinated by Junior Achievement Romania and implemented during 2014-2016. This bilateral Romania-Norway ecological education project, funded by EEA Grants 2009-2014, through the NGO Fund in Romania, involved over 50 teachers and 950 high school students from mountain areas.

The Greenovation Challenge project aims to develop young people’s skills for innovation in sustainable development and provides a unique learning experience by:

  1. Development and testing during courses of a module of practical educational activities, learning by doing, on environmental issues (Eco-nomia module), conducted by teachers who benefited of free training and educational materials;
  2. Students’ participation in activities of civic culture and real community involvement by communicating with local authorities and competing with innovative solutions to the problems of sustainable development in mountain areas (the competition had several stages: local, national, international);
  3. Involving students in bilateral educational events where Romanian students will collaborate with those from Norway to generate solutions for the indentified concrete problems.

During the implementation period (May 2014 – April 2016) the following key outcomes have been obtained within Greenovation Challenge: developing young people skills for innovation in sustainable development

  • 950 pupils, 50 teachers from 37 high schools, 28 cities (13 counties) from mountain areas of Romania have been involved in ecological education activities and received free educational materials and additional resources for information on sustainable development in mountain areas;
  • 4 webinars conducted by experts on environmental issues and sustainable development, with relevant examples of case studies to train teachers and students for the competition;
  • 25 green projects conducted by teachers and students in mountain communities;
  • The competition for innovation in environmental sustainability involved in local phase 600 students (and at the national stage 163 students) who have completed and pitched 100 proposals with solutions to mitigate sustainability problems in their communities;
  • Campaign of dissemination, with the involvement of students as active citizens, for promoting the solutions proposed by students towards 50 local authorities in the mountain areas of Romania;
  • Involvement of 10 experts in sustainable development as volunteers in educational activities;
  • 13 teachers and 61 students participated in the Romanian and Norwegian Greenovation Camps, bilateral educational events in Norway and Romania, where young people worked in mixed teams to resolve issues of sustainable development.

Results dissemination report (Romanian)

Greenovation Challenge poster

For extra details about the project visit

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